Aspen Trees
Aspen Trees in the Countryside and Woodlands
The Aspen tree belongs to the Poplar family and is easily identified by its leaves which seem to always be moving even in the lightest breeze. Aspens prefer growing in damp soil in copses and meadows but occasionally they are found on much higher ground, particularly in Scotland. Aspen trees do not live very long and the decaying process can start after fifty years. The wood is very soft and white so it is of little use for construction and building. However, is is perfect for decorative carving, model making and certain types of interior furnishings.
The Aspen leaves are small, dark and very attractive and grow at the end of a slender stalk which is not strong enough to hold the leaf upright. The leaves droop until a breeze lifts them up. When this happens all the leaves make a constant rustle as if they are talking to each other.
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